IEEE Fellows

The grade of Fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the profession and shall be conferred by the Board of Directors upon a person with an outstanding record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest (Bylaw I-104.11). The accomplishments that are being honored shall have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society.


IEEE Fellow Nominations

2026 IEEE Fellow nominations is now closed.  The IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee has started its review process per the Society’s timeline. 


To be nominated as a Fellow, a recipient must:

  • Have accomplishments that have contributed importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, bringing the realization of significant value to society;
  • Hold Senior Member or Life Senior Member grade at the time the nomination is submitted; and
  • Have been a member in good standing in any grade for a period of five cumulative years or more preceding 1 January of the year of elevation. 
    IEEE Society affiliate membership does not apply.

Find out more about the IEEE Fellow Nomination process including non-eligibility.

Nomination Process

Any person, including non-IEEE members, is eligible to serve as a nominator. The following are exceptions: members of the IEEE Board of Directors, members of the IEEE Fellow Committee, Chair, Vice Chair, or Member (Evaluator) of any Society/Council Fellow Evaluating Committee (S/C FEC) evaluating the nomination, member of the Cohort Fellow Evaluating Committee (CFEC) evaluating the nomination, or IEEE Staff.   Self-nomination is not permitted.

Nominators, please complete the following tasks:

  • Preparing the IEEE Fellow Grade Nomination Form (pdf).  See Nomination Quick Help Guide (pdf).
  • The nominator is responsible for soliciting at least three, but no more than five, references capable of assessing the nominee’s contributions.
    (NOTE: A reference must be an IEEE Fellow in good standing. The following individuals are ineligible to serve as IEEE Fellow references: members of the IEEE Board of Directors, members of the Fellow Committee, members of the IEEE Society/Technical Council Fellow Evaluating Committee reviewing the nomination or IEEE Staff. In addition, a nominator may not serve as a reference for a nomination he/she is submitting.
    Exception: References will be accepted if a reference is an IEEE Senior or Life Senior member from Region 9, in good standing and the nominee they are serving as a reference resides in Region 9).  See Fellow Reference Help Guide (pdf).
  • There is the option of soliciting no more than three endorsements capable of supporting the nomination. Any person, including non-IEEE members, may submit an endorsement.  See Fellow Endorsement Help Guide (pdf).
  • Identify an IEEE Society/Technical Council whose evaluating committee will assess the nominee’s technical qualifications and contributions.

Find out more about the IEEE Fellow Evaluation Process.

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Some changes to the Nomination Form have been made but are not yet reflected on all manuals & governance documents yet



IEEE CS Fellow Evaluating Committee (S/C FEC)

fellows pin icon

The IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee (S/C FEC) assists the IEEE Fellow Committee in recognizing IEEE members who, in its opinion, meet the qualifications for the grade of Fellow because of contributions to the areas of interest to the Society. The committee members must determine whether the work of each candidate is recognized and considered outstanding in the Society’s field of interest. The committee provides a succinct statement of the candidate’s qualifications for a Fellow grade. The members rate the candidate’s contributions relative to the contributions of IEEE Fellows.  The IEEE CS Fellow Evaluating Committee chair is responsible for merging the evaluators’ input into a coherent whole, for reaching consensus with the committee on ranking the candidates, and for making the final decision on the content of the evaluation forms.

New IEEE Fellow Procedures: The IEEE CS Fellow Evaluating Committee (S/C FEC) chair is appointed by the president-elect.  Starting in 2023 each S/C President receives a list from IEEE Fellows staff which includes all Fellows and Life Fellows who are active members of their S/C, along with their region, gender, organizational affiliation, and whether they are a member of IEEE Standards Association. This information is used to help develop a S/C FEC within the diversity representation per the new implemented guidelines for Societies and Councils (pdf).   S/C FEC’s must be completed by 1 September of each year.

2025 IEEE Computer Society Fellow Evaluating Committee


  • LING LIU, Chair
    Georgia Institute of Technology

Vice Chairs

  • Maya B. Gokhale
  • Arun Iyengar
  • Ahmed Louri
  • Maja Pantic
  • Kui Ren
  • Munindar Singh
  • Dacheng Tao
  • Jaideep Vaidya

Staff Support

  • Anne Marie Kelly
  • Millie Lovos

Evaluating Committee Members

The 2025 IEEE-CS Fellow Evaluating Committee work is to scheduled to begin on 15 February 2025 until all evaluations are due per the Society’s timeline.  Every evaluator/vice chair must Accept/Decline their role by January 2025 in the IEEE Fellow Scoring System.

Serving committee members cannot serve as nominators, endorsers, or references for any nominee being evaluated by the IEEE Computer Society.

Evaluator Members:                                        Evaluator Members:                             Alternate Members:

    1. Rob Aitken
    2. Vijayalakshmi Atluri
    3. Jean Bacon
    4. David Basin
    5. Boualem Benatallah
    6. Azzedine Boukerche
    7. Sreejit Chakravarty
    8. Songqing Chen
    9. Yiran Chen
    10. Filip De Turck
    11. Bronis R. de Supinski
    12. Wei Ding
    13. Ajay Divakaran
    14. Fred Douglis
    15. Schahram Dustdar
    16. David Ebert
    17. Dimitris Gizopoulos
    18. Onur Guleryuz
    19. Saman K. Halgamuge
    20. Sumi Helal


    1. James Joshi
    2. Irwin King
    3. Ashish Kundu
    4. Ming C. Lin
    5. Yung-Hsiang Lu
    6. Michael R. Lyu
    7. Li-Shiuan Peh
    8. Fatih Porikli
    9. Janusz Rajski
    10. Valluri Rao
    11. Pierangela Samarati
    12. Weisong Shi
    13. Mei-Ling Shyu
    14. Chi-Keung Tang
    15. Matthew Turk
    16. Jun Wang
    17. Aref Walid
    18. Ying Wu
    19. Yuanyuan Yang
    20. Aidong Zhang
    21. Xiaodong Zhang
    1. Athman Bouguettaya
    2. Hai Jin
    3. Eric Neuhold
    4. Keqin LI
    5. Mohan Kankanhalli
















Important 2025 Deadlines:

IEEE CS Fellow Evaluating Committee members must be current (2025) members of the IEEE Computer Society and complete Legal and Compliance training by 15 February 2025 and attend at least one SC/C-FEC orientation sessions in February 2025.  Alternates members will be notified of any change of roles by end of February 2025.

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New Fellow Search Committee (S/C-FSC)

The Fellow Search Committee (S/C-FSC) is tasked to identify suitable nominees for possible elevation to IEEE Fellow with particular emphasis on nominees who reflect the diversity of IEEE and the diversity of the professional communities identified with IEEE. It is expected that the S/C-FSC will seek input from other IEEE Senior Members of the S/C community to identify suitable nominees, including diverse nominees, for nomination.


  • S/C Senior volunteers should be tasked with identifying suitable diverse nominees encouraged by the  S/C-FSC committee.
  • Diversity demographic data for previous 5 years of S/C Fellow nomination cycles should be used to guide and prioritize the search process.
  • Each S/C-FSC should prepare a report that includes diversity demographic data of the resulting S/C nominee pool as well as a summary of diversity priorities for the next IEEE Fellow nomination cycle.
  • Each S/C-FSC should also prepare a report that includes a compilation of any best practices used for the successful identification of Fellow nominees from under-represented groups.

2025 Fellow Search Committee

The S/C-FSC members shall serve one-year terms and are eligible for reappointment for up to two additional terms.  The membership shall consist of at least seven and up to eleven members appointed by the Society’s Board of Governors.

Fellow Search Chair

  • Ram Sriram, National Institute of Standards (NIST)

Fellow Search Members

  • Anita Carleton
  • Elena Ferrari
  • Adolfo Guzman
  • Pankaj Jalote
  • Rick Kuhn
  • Sandra K. Johnson
  • David Lo
  • Bhavani Thuraisingham

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Recent Elevated Fellows

Each year, dozens of outstanding IEEE Computer Society members receive the distinction of becoming an IEEE Fellow.  Newly elevated IEEE Fellows are announced shortly after the fourth quarter IEEE Board of Directors meeting, normally scheduled in late-November of each year.

The selection of the 2025 IEEE Fellow Class evaluated by the IEEE Computer Society has been announced!

Fellow Class Archives

Computer Society Press Room Collection


Last update January 2025


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