Publications Board Executive Committee

The Publications Board is chaired by the Vice President (VP) for Publications. The Publications Board Executive Committee consists of the following voting members: secretary, finance chair, Integrity Committee chair, Magazines Operations Committee (MOC) chair, Transactions Operations Committee (TOC) chair, the IEEE Computer Society’s representative to the IEEE Publications Services and Products Board (PSPB), and an additional three to six members-at-large with experience in publications. The MOC and TOC chairs are elected annually by their respective editors-in-chief (EICs). The other voting members are appointed by the VP for Publications. In addition, the president, executive director, director of periodicals and special projects, and all EICs are ex officio, non-voting members of the Publications Board Executive Committee. [IEEE Computer Society Policies and Procedures Manual, Section 9.2]

    • VP for Publications (Publications Board Chair): Jaideep Vaidya
    • MOC Chair: Lizy K. John
    • TOC Chair: Ahmed Louri
    • Finance Chair: Dimitrios Serpanos 
    • Integrity Committee Chair: Daniel S. Katz
    • Secretary: Dan Lin
    • Member at Large: Nils Aschenbruck
    • Member at Large: Irena Bojanova
  • Member at Large: Greg Byrd
  • Member at Large: Chuck Hansen
  • Member at Large: Ling Liu
  • Member at Large: Nalini Venkatasubramanian
  • CS President: Jyotika Athavale, ex officio member
  • CS Executive Director: Melissa Russell, ex officio member (staff)
  • Director of Periodicals and Special Projects: Robin Baldwin, ex officio member (staff)

Magazines Operations Committee (MOC)

This committee includes the magazine EICs.

Transactions Operations Committee (TOC)

This committee includes the EICs for the transactions, journals, and letters that the Computer Society publishes.

*ex officio TOC member (publication managed by steering committee)