The IEEE Computer Society Professional Education and Activities Board Seeks Qualified Members to Help Redesign It’s Current Professional Software Engineering Certifications
Working Group to Conduct Job Analysis to ensure that the certification program accurately reflects the knowledge, skills, and competencies required for professionals to perform effectively in their roles.
Become an Item Writer and help create the specific questions, tasks, and items that will appear on the certification exams and play a crucial role in ensuring the validity, reliability, and relevance of the exam content
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IEEE-CS SWEBOK Guide V4 End-to-End Public Review – Comments Closed 16th February 2024
The IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS) Professional & Educational Activities Board SWEBOK Evolution Team seeks end-to-end public review comments for Version 4 of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide V4). This Guide spells out components of the software engineering discipline, promoting a consistent view of software engineering worldwide.
The newest version of the SWEBOK Guide includes new topic areas, updated topic descriptions, and the retirement of no longer relevant topics. Agile and DevOps have especially been incorporated into many knowledge areas (KAs) because these models have been widely accepted since the last publication of the SWEBOK Guide. Three new knowledge areas (i.e., Software Architecture, Software Engineering Operations, and Software Security) guide foundational knowledge in software engineering. The new Guide will better integrate the related disciplines and rename and distribute some material into different knowledge areas. V4’s table of contents is shown in the following figure.
Software practitioners worldwide participate in the Guide’s development to ensure that it captures established traditional practices recommended by many organizations. The SWEBOK Guide uses a rigorous process that includes successive levels of review.

Thank you for your interest in the SWEBOK evolution. Since the SWEBOK team has closed the public review and is currently working on its revision, please wait for a moment.