Technical Community on High Performance Computing

The IEEE Computer Society Technical Community on High Performance Computing (TCHPC) advances and coordinates the work in the field of high-performance computing networking, storage, and analysis concepts, technologies, and applications, which is carried throughout the IEEE and expand the IEEE CS' and IEEE’s role in this interdisciplinary and pervasive field. The TCHPC provides a forum for the discussion and the exchange of information to advance the theory and the practice in this field of interest. TCHPC’s primary focus is the support and management of the IEEE CS’ shared interest in the SC conference and related SC activities.
The TCHPC is composed of member IEEE CS Technical Communities having a significant interest in high-performance computing technologies and applications. The founding member Technical Communities are the Technical Community on Computer Communications (TCCC) and the Technical Community on Parallel Processing (TCPP).
Chair: Manish Parashar, PhD,
Department of Computer Science,
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey,
110 Frelinghuysen Road,
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019 USA,
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